The season is sliding into winter and these November days find us mostly at home doing those various home projects that prepare us for winter. Cleaning out the gutters, harvesting the last of the root veggies, putting the garden to bed, cutting back the perenials, draining off the irrigation lines, etc. Most notably the chicken coop is finished and the ladies and the rooster are cozy and warm in their new home. Todd really built this by himself... pretty impressive isn't it.

We still had time to take some hikes together and enjoy the end of this most colorful of seasons.
Playing in the leaves....
We even put on our snowsuits a couple weeks ago and headed up the mountain for a couple hours of playing in the snow and sleding. I forgot my camera so I have no pictures to share, but it is most certainly winter up there. The ski slopes opened last week. Todd is going to be teaching ski lessons this year with the perk of a season pass.....he's pretty psyched.
Grandma Judy (Todd's mom) came to visit from Colorado this weekend and the kids enjoyed having her lap to snuggle on. Lucy in particular is very enamored and likes to say "I love all my Grandmas!
....these november days have been full, hope you are enjoying yours!