Tuesday, June 15, 2010

school is out!!

the end of the school year was last week, but with the chaos that is the last week of school and then riley's birthday immediately following i just didn't get around to this post until now. plus it continues to rain and it just doesn't feel like summer yet.

so the last week of school was very full, and included field day...i loved field day as a kid, and its so fun to watch riley get to experience this great elementary school tradition. todd was able to be one of the parent volunteers and captured a couple shots of the classic races.

this is riley's last day of school picture. he has grown so much this year in so many ways. he got off the bus that day and said "i'm a first grader now!"

then lucy had her last day of school....

her school had a little graduation cermony which was very sweet...

and just in time for summer we got this great new (new to us, but probably over 10yrs old) play structure for the kids. in the spirit of reduce, reuse, recycle we moved it from some folks down the street (with the help of about 10 guys) whose kids had gotten too big for it.

the laughter from the back yard is so sweet. now if only the weather would start acting a little more like summer and a little less like "june-uary".

Sunday, June 13, 2010

happy birthday riley

riley celebrated his 6th birthday yesterday. can you believe it....six years old!! he requested a "dragon" birthday and had a few of his buddies over for a party. the weather was finally gorgeous and they had a grand time doing some dragon crafts, playing "dragon tag" and a little pick-up game of soccer (the world cup started and we are all about soccer at home now).

...the boys making dragon masks

....riley's friend zac all masked out

.....riley and his friend gianluca sporting their soccer game beads

i made him a dragon cake which turned out pretty good (gotta love the internet).

....make a wish!!!

....yeah for cake!!!

and opening his gifts.....he got some fantastic presents.

...a new drum
..... his very own camelback (now maybe he'll let me have mine back)
also some legos, new art supplies, a big squirtgun, new soccer ball, some new tools for building......lots of great new things to keep a six year old busy!

he was smiling all day basking in the joy of being six!!

happy birthday riley....we love you so very much!

Monday, June 7, 2010

family visits to market opener

this post is a little late, but we had a great visit from todd's mom judy at the end of may. it is so great to have her visit and stay awhile so she and the kids get a good chunk of time playing together. and i gotta admit it's nice not to have to schlep the kids to denver. needless to say we love visitors...thanks for visiting judy!

lucy enjoyed an open lap to climb in...

....the kids showed off their scooter skills down at the waterfront park.

.... the grown-up kid hangin out with his mom.

AND in other news the gorge grown farmers market opened last thursday. this is exciting on so many levels (for todd, for our family, for our community)

it was a great season opener depite the rainy day (the weather hasn't keyed into the fact that it is JUNE now!), and folks were really happy to be back at market. the kids helped ring the opening bell which is always a highlight for them.

so i just can't resist a garden shot but seriously look at the garlic....it's taller than lucy!!

hope june is warm where you are!