well summertime is (finally!!) in full swing. the kids have been busy with summertime stuff. i took time off and have only been working 2 days a week for the summer (glorious!!) and so have been around more for playing.
they have had swim lessons and day camps (science camp, art camp, soccer camp, baking camp...etc).

riley has been playing soccer, which he not only loves but the boy shows some skill! it helped that we were world cup crazy for about a month and there was very nearly always soccer on.

his buddy gianluca....
lucy and her buddy alesandro...
we celebrated the fourth of july with the iconic small town parade. in hood river half the town is in it and the rest watches. we were in it this year, and riley and his cousin ashley rode their bikes.
some naked slip n' sliding and pooling with friends on hot days...

we spend each thursday evening at the farmers market, which todd continues to make into an amazing community event.
we even went backpacking for a couple days. it was lucy's first backpacking trip, and she did great walking the entire 2 miles into the lake we camped at. what a great weekend.

and this week some more swim lessons...this time across the river at the community pool in white salmon, which is a great old outdoor pool. it even still has the old school diving board which both kids bravely jumped off this year!
the grown-ups have been tackling the age old summer project of painting our house (uuuugggghhhh). mostly the prep of scraping (so tedious). we don't have any grand plans to change much of the color (can't go wrong with the big old white farmhouse look) but it still needs a fresh coat of paint. todd is hoping the kids will be old enough to help next time it needs painting.
hope you are enjoying your summer so far too!!