Wednesday, April 27, 2011

hoppin down the bunny trail

we celebrated a fun little easter this past weekend.

the kids love love love dying we now have 3 dozen hardboiled dyed eggs to eat. egg salad sandwiches anyone?

the kids put their dyed eggs in their baskets with a carrot for mr. bunny....

....and wouldn't you know it but the easter bunny managed to find our house again! he brought both kids a new book, a very small chocolate bunny and a new travel bingo game for the car.

i made my traditional cinnamon rolls for easter brunch (they only come once a year and they are so yummy!)...

then we headed down to portland to celebrate with the campbell family at large. my mom hosted (this being her first event since becoming betrothed) and it was a lovely gathering. the little kids (and there are alot of them) had an easter egg hunt and then enjoyed all the loot!

i managed to get my kids to hold still long enough for one nice easter picture.....

now we are back to looking at the sky and trying to duck out into the garden between rain showers!

Friday, April 15, 2011


long time no blog! we have just been plugging big events to report... but here is a quick update of life this past month.

spring means time for planting our seeds! lucy loves to help. we are trying something new this year...potato towers! those are potatoes in the wire not eggs ...the chickens are certainly interested. theory is to keep adding soil as the potatoes grow up and hopefully they continue to put out more baby potatoes and we get a better harvest. we'll let you know how it goes in the fall. lucy loves to help feed the chickens....

we also recently bottled our fall apple cider. we made two different batches. one was a dry apple wine and the other a sweet spiced cider. both were delicious! next year we plan to make 3 or 4 batches!

reptile man made his annual visit to little feet pre-school. its amazing how interested and not freaked out the kids are with the big snakes....many an adult would react differently!

we've had a couple of fantastic spring skiing days. both kids are great little skiiers. lucy has a solid snow-plow down and is cruising down the green runs with an occasional blue run for challenge. riley can get down any hill and is all about finding the jumps.

last weekend we took a trip to seattle to visit my friend molly and her husband mark and the kiddos jack (4yo) and grace (6mo). molly and i have been friends since like 2nd grade and hadn't seen each other in awhile. both my kids loved the baby. we also had fun visiting the zoo and playing on some great slides. i forgot my camera but molly shared a few

thats it for now.....