...and as an additional bonus my college roommate lisa and her husband brian planned their vacation to coincide and met us over there. so we got a little fun adult time too....and she is 7mo pregnant with her first so it was a great last hurrah for them!

.....it was a fantastic week. we were in south maui at wailea beach. we soaked up some beach time. snorkeled a bunch. hung out at the resort that lisa and brian were at and cruised the lazy river with the swim up bar........

.....enjoyed a beautiful island sunset

......we did this fantastic hike up into the rainy jungle. we were soaked by the time we reached the top. it was a far different place than the sunny beach we lazed at the day before.

....went on another great hike through a bamboo forest into a waterfall and swam in a tropical lagoon....very island-fabulous.

...it was so amazingly restful. we certainly missed the kids but so wonderful to have a little time to ourselves!