home sweet home, but man we had a fantastic 9 day road trip through 4 states (yes you can be impressed that we did this with a 3 yo and 5yo). we got home last night (and dorothy was spot on...there is no place like home), but we are still smiling from the series of great visits we had with dear friends. so wanted to share a little of our trip with you.
stop number one- missoula, mt.
our friends aaron and caitlin with their little ones emma and wilson. aaron and i were in pa school together and both todd and caitlin had gotten environmental type graduate degrees. needless to say we hit it off. we had our first kids at the same time (riley and emma are a month apart) and then went on to have the second set (wilson is 9months older than lucy). caitlin left the office world when the babes arrived and started her own business making baby slings which i will shamelessly plug www.sproutpouch.com (hers are not the kind involved in the recent controversy). the kids had a blast playing together and the adults got to hang out. great visit, great friends.

stop number two- bozeman, mt
todd's life long friend julie and her boyfriend mike landed here recently and are caretaking a sweet pad (we had our own wing to stay in practically).

it was great to catch up with her and get to know mike. the kids had a great time exploring and julie even took them fishing in the pond in front of her house.

....and proved herself worthy of the rod she was tossing around by landing a little trout much to the kids delight.

we took a gamble and schlepped our skis but it paid off as we had a super ski day at bridger mountain just outside bozeman. lucy went up the lift for the first time and riley cruised the blues with confidence. beautiful sunny day.
lucy up on the lift with mom....

....then cruising down the slopes

stop number three- coeur d' alene, id
our friends erik and myrna with their kids kylie (19yo), makena (9yo) and keilani (4yo) are always fun to visit.

erik is a friend from our africa days (he was not in the peace corps, but was working as an attorney in south africa and let us crash at his pad in durban). he met myrna when he got home and the rest is history. the kids had a fantastic time. the big ones hung out, played soccer and catch (riley was smitten with makena and would follow her anywhere!) and the wee ones spent hours playing dress-up (super cute). the grown-ups got to hang out and chat.....which we so enjoy.

stop number four- othello, wa
we of course had to stop to say hi to our good friends the shelbys. grace, abby and jonathan were the hardest part of leaving othello. always good to see them. just a quick overnight, but worth the stop for the yummy grub grace makes and the hugs.

so today it was back to work for me. back to school for riley. todd spent the day unpacking and putting order back into our home.
waahooo for road trip 2010!!!! happy spring breaks to you too.