Spring hasn't exactly sprung, but it's definitely thinking about it. We are getting ready as well and most of our attention has turned to getting the garden prepared. We expanded the garden, doubled it really.
Below is the view from the upstairs window of our backyard. The two large garden plots in the back and over to the left is the chicken coop and yard. The middle of the yard has the remnants of a recent soccer match (Riley I'm sure won).

We found that we needed a fence since we like to have our chickens free-range and they like to bathe and scratch in the lettuce. So fence we made. Sunk the posts, put the fencing on, and Todd built these great gates recycling some old lathe from the walls of our house.

Then Todd recycled the old pump house from the irrigation system (the county redid the system last year and now we don't need the pump), and bought an old window at the rebuild-it center. Voila a cold frame. Ultimately we want to build a green house, but that is realistically a little ways off, so the cold frame will work well for now.

Most exciting was that we planted our seedlings. Lots of everything, (tomatoes, broccoli, greens, peas, beans), oohhh its really gonna be a spectacular garden this year. Lucy loves to water the little seedlings.

oh and look!! The garlic I planted in the fall is looking good so far!

The daffodils bloomed late last week. I didn't get a picture of them because Riley picked a bouquet of them for me. We had to have a little talk about which flowers mommy likes in her bouquets and which ones she likes to leave in the garden.
So next week we are off for spring break. Road trip!! We are visiting friends in Montana, Idaho and a quick stop in good old Othello, Washington! We had to find babysitters for our chickens and for our little seedlings! (so thankful for good friends)
Happy (almost) Spring to you!
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