the past couple of weeks have been full of holiday goodness

first we celebrated chanukah with our good friends steve and janet. steve's parents just moved to hood river and his mother makes the best latkes i have ever had.....topped with sour cream and homemade apple sauce.......yummmmmmy!! i have no photo and really no photo can capture how delicious they were. we lit the candles of the menorah and said prayers in hebrew...wonderful celebration.
that same night we went 'downtown' for the holiday parade and lighting of the tree.

5, 4, 3, 2 , 1 ...and taaadaaahh!!

the next morning we went to see santa (he comes to the hood river fire department every year) and as todd has been known to observe that because of this he will never be forced to step foot in a mall again. we get there early, sit on santas lap, and then have a yummy pancake breakfast with the firemen.

then we went and got our christmas tree. we tried a new place since the trees at grannie may's last year were slim pickings, and the selection at maggie's farm was much much better. todd cut our tree down and we loaded it onto our front wheel drive sleigh and headed for home (a whopping 2 miles away)

later that weekend we headed down to portland for our yearly outing to zoo lights with momo. this year george joined us to brave the cold.

back at home we decorated our tree. it looks beautius!!

riley had his school holiday program and even got a part playing the glockenspiel (which is a small xylophone type instrument). he was super proud to be picked and nailed the part.

we decorated a gingerbread house which was super fun for the kids.

we are counting down the days until santa comes and enjoying all that the holiday season brings!
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