Saturday, January 1, 2011

a new year

happy new year!!

we had a great new years celebration.
we spent the new years eve day up on the mountain skiing. it was one on those perfect snow condition kind of days, crisp, clear and cold... the snow was squeaky and smooth (skiiers you know what i'm talking about)...great ski day

then back at home we celebrated new years eve with our good friends steve and janet and kids mel and lani.

so our new years eve tradition is to make a bunch of different appetizers for dinner. this tradition has roots from when todd and i were in the peace corps in lesotho and were spending thanksgiving at my site. now when you live in a remote mountain village in a small african country you don't get many visitors, but as we were just starting to make samosas (cause that sounded good for thanksgiving abroad) we got a knock on the door. to our suprise we had two visitors, one australian and one american who were mountain biking through lesotho. they got off track and needed a place to stay. and as it turned out the australian woman was of indian origin and so taught us how to make samosas!
we used to make them every year around thanksgiving but as this is a holiday with its own food traditions the samosas migrated and ended up being our new years tradition. we added other appetizers to round out the meal and a tradition is born. we look forward to them every year.

we all had a wonderful celebration complete with a game of charades (the kids really got into it).

happy new years!

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