Thursday, December 8, 2011

o christmas tree

we have officially kicked off the christmas season in this household. the pandora station is tuned to various 'holiday' channels. the lights are up on the house.

the first weekend of december is always our annual breakfast with santa at the westside fire station. santa followed by pancakes....a highlight every year!....

.....the following day we went to our favorite christmas tree farm. it was a crisp clear beautiful day. we chose a lovely big bushy tree (the best one ever) and cut it down....

....the kids helped with the cutting of our tree

...while dad finished up cutting the tree we amused ourselves with some silliness at the tree farm...riley wanted to take a picture...

.....then lucy wanted to take a picture

....we got the tree up and the kids decorated themselves with the lights

then put the lights on the cat....

.... oh and we also decorated the tree..... it is beautius!

.....its beginning to look a lot like christmas!

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