Wednesday, April 10, 2013

spring events

i'm playing a little blog catch up here.

both kids had their spring music programs a couple weeks ago.

it was probably a bigger deal for lucy since it's her first one...she was pretty cute and nervously excited.  she was selected to play an instrument which was even more special....

riley had his music program a week after lucy's...he is clearly not as taken with the whole thing as much anymore.  he also was selected to play an instrument (next to his best friend Jack) which was the only time he smiled....

we wrapped up the last skate night for the year before spring break.  it continues to be a weekly favorite family activity in the winter.  lucy was a solid independent skater this year, no more holding my hand.  she would rather skate with her friends.  riley worked on perfecting his 'shoot the duck' moves this year....

and bonus pictures of easter morning...with baskets looking for hidden eggs on the porch and then going thru the spoils...

the weather is like and on again off again craziness, but things are blooming and there are peeks of sunshine....i guess that's just spring! hope you are enjoying yours!